Long Beach Rowing Association is pleased to announce the inaugural Summer Solstice Regatta, featuring prime rowing conditions in the Aquatic Capital of America.
This Masters regatta replaces the long-standing LBRA Spring Regatta, previously held in March of each year two weeks prior to the San Diego Crew Classic. We’ve reinvented and moved the regatta by three months for several reasons:
1. Weather conditions in March, especially winds, often forced cancellation of events and difficult regatta operations. March can be least favorable, whereas June is most favorable, for rowing in Long Beach.
2. Juniors and collegiate events held in the spring often created contention for resources, such as referees and volunteers.
3. June is the perfect gateway to the Masters competitive summer season, a month after the Gold Rush Regatta at Lake Natoma, one month before Southwest Regionals, two months before US Masters Nationals, and three months before FISA Worlds.
Summer Solstice 2016 – Final Schedule
2016 Pictures Thank you to Val Stepanchuk.
Sign up and information is up on Regatta Central.
The regatta will be held with two event categories; a nominal 1000 meter (actual 950 meter) sprint, and sevaral all-out, no-hold-barred 500 meter dash events in singles and novice wherry/recreational boats. Handicaps are normalized to 950 meters. The course will not be buoyed. Six racing lanes and one recovery lane are accommodated. Races will be organized by flights (no heats), spreading events that have more than six entries into multiple finals with competitors grouped most closely by age.
Medals awarded for first, second, and third place. If less than four competitors in an event, a crew must beat another to receive a medal.
Entry deadline is June 16.