Volunteers needed for Learn to Row Day June 1st

LBRA’s next big event where volunteers are needed to make or break the event is our Annual Learn to Row Day this coming June 1st. We want to make sure you have plenty of time to get it on your calendars so we’re putting out the volunteer list now. Please sign up for at least one shift here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090A4CABA723A6F94-2019

Learn to Row Day is an all-hands on deck day where the general public can come and try their hand at rowing. People arrive, fill out the waiver, get introduced to rowing  on the erg and through videos, tour the boathouse, and can try both sweep and sculling in boats filled with volunteers. They also can sign up for summer camps/membership and purchase t-shirts. Many of our current club members came to LBRA via the LTR Day event and subsequent camps and we need everyone’s help in once again making this year a success!

A few notes:

  • Assisting A.C., boathouse cleanup, and Food will mostly be done before June 1st.
  • All Leads will be in charge of organizing cleanup of their station
  • We encourage you to sign up for more than one shift if possible

Questions? Ask Sarah Mackenzie or John Nunn (Board Member in charge).

Date: 06/01/2019 (Sat.)Location: Pete Archer Rowing Center

Posted in Current.