Board Nominees so far:
In preparation for the October 2017 election of LBRA’s 2017-2018 Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee is requesting nominations for all board positions from LBRA’s membership. Per LBRA’s By-Laws, nomination of a candidate is to be “submitted by any two general members.” Nominators as well as nominees must be LBRA members in good standing.
From the By-Laws: “Only those members who have been a member for a period of at least six months… shall be eligible to hold elective office.”
Nine (9) Board of Directors positions are available. Per bylaws, Nominating Committee’s goal is to identify at least two nominees for each elective office:
Rob Glidden
Vice President:
John Nunn
Chris Palmquist
Veronica Wegener
A.C. du Pont
DIRECTORS: (listed in alphabetical order)
Bill Eldon
Bryan Bayer
Charles Griffin
Renn Levy
Michelle Mowery
Ken Plumb
John Van Blom
Sander Zagzebski
To make a nomination, identify a candidate for a position, verify their interest in running for a position, find another member to join you in seconding the nomination, then submit to a Nominating Committee Member via email or by phone as follows:
Elna Anderson 562-335-5364
Anita Oudega 310-779-5031
Mary Schewatz 818-519-4931
Ellen Geil 714-504-8607
MaryKatherine Kuner 562-833-3299
Any incumbents currently serving on the board who are interested in serving again must still be nominated & seconded by LBRA members in good standing in order to run for office again.
Please continue contacting us with your nominations and we will post the slate of eligible candidates as soon as possible. Thanks for your participation in this process.